Recipes! Recipes! Recipes!

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Spring Shakshuka Recipe

Made by Pepita

· Recipe makes 5 portions

· Less than a pound per portion

· Gather your veggies! You will need four red peppers and six small onions

· Chop up your veggies into cubes and wash them thoroughly!

· Add the chopped veggies into a pan with olive oil, stir-fry over a medium heat

· Add two tins of chopped tomatoes to the mix

· Feel free to free style with the seasonings! Be sure to use 1 tsp. of salt, ½ tsp. of pepper and 1 tsp. garlic as your base, you can also add a dash of paprika, turmeric and coriander, depending on your preferences,

· Stir the mixture and let it simmer for ten minutes

· Use the back of a spoon to make six holes in the mixture

· In each hole, drop

one egg

· Cover the pan with a lid until the eggs are poached (approx. 3 minutes)


· Serve with a toasted pita bread and a side of feta cheese

· Add a sprinkle of mixed herbs over the dish for some extra oomph!

· Show off your dish with pride!

  • Pepita is a resident in our service at Meridan House, Colindale, North London. Thanks to Community Link worker Chloe Hyams for sending it in; we’ll definitely be trying this recipe!